June 15, 2024

1 janv. 1054 - Council of Narbonne


Declared killing other Christians as BAD
This is important because it shifts Christian violence outwards. Important factor leading up to First Crusade and the creation of Holy Knights and Chivalry.

This sacralization, Feudal relations, advances in horse breeding, tech advances in armor and weaponry, and cavalry confrontation created the Knight we think of today.

In the late 11th C, in Northern France, Tournaments emerged. They helped Knights practice for war and forge a chivalrous ethos. Held for weddings, entertainment etc.
At first, they were free for alls with anything goes, and so sometimes people used them to remove political opponents.

Churches hated tournaments because they believed they promoted sin. They banned tournaments but were never able to enforce it.

Tournaments were also a way for people to socially advance. "Poor" Knights had an opportunity to impress a wealthy lord in hopes of receiving his daughter's hand in marriage

Eventually this Chivalrous ideology was applied to love and relationships and became known as courtly love. Basically was just limited to romance literature however and there is no proof that this ideology actually impacted womens' lives during this time period of Chivalry.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

14 déc. 2019


1 janv. 1054
~ Il y a 971 ans