April 1, 2024

12 h 6 nov 2004 ans - They start working on the trench, Nicholas begins to hate Rick's group. (Issue 87)


- Day 476
- After Michonne and Abraham finish killing straggling roamers outside the wall, a large group get to work starting the trench. Rick asks Eugene if he's sure he wants to help with this but Eugene sees it as an opportunity to lose some weight. Rick tells Glenn to keep an eye on things and thanks Michonne for her continued good work. He asks if she's ok and she tells him the answer is always the same, she's just getting by but thanks him for still caring enough to ask.
- Abraham tells everyone that his group will be keeping watch but to still pop their heads up every now and again to look out. They're digging a two to three foot ditch for now on both grassy sides of the road.
- Nicholas asks Heath why they're taking orders from Rick's group when they were perfectly fine before. Heath says Douglas left them in charge and that things weren't 'just fine' before. Nicholas asks if Heath remembers when Rick stole a gun not long ago and tried to take over (see day 468), they just handed him the keys!
- Heath reminds him that Rick's group protected and saved them all from the marauder group who attacked shortly after (see day 470), though Nicholas believes they would have been able to handle that without an issue. Heath begs to differ as they never thought of putting anyone in the bell tower and several people would have most certainly died. Abraham comes over and asks if everything is alright. Nicholas tells him they're fine.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


12 h 6 nov 2004 ans
~ Il y a 19 ans

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