June 15, 2024

1 janv. 1712 - First mention of exhibiting European royal fashions (according to fashion scholar Julia Petrov)


"The earliest documented mention of a fashion museum comes from the eighteenth-century journal The Spectator. The 1712 article that first suggested such a notion was written by Sir Richard Steele as an indictment of male and female folly in following fashion. The author proposed “to have a Repository built for Fashions, as there are Chambers for Medals and other Rarities,” with the façade of the building in the shape of a Sphinx and its architectural details imitating lace, fringe, ribbon, and other modish accessories, with a suitable poetic motto in Latin over the door. The space inside would consist of two galleries (for men and women), with shelves of false books: actually boxes containing dolls dressed in historical fashions. Contemporary designs would also be documented in a like manner, and the author humorously suggests that an old dandy, bankrupted by his interest in fashion, might be appointed Keeper." (Petrov 2019:14)

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 1712
~ Il y a 312 ans

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