April 1, 2024

2 juill. 2016 - Fourth of July 2k16


I remember I was working at Mullins when your family came in and said hi. I was wearing my hairnet and thought it was funny. Later I came home, got my swimsuit, and ran to the dock to go swimming. You brought some monster cupcakes for your birthday, which you brought on the boat. When you got on the boat it was so obvious you were a lifeguard, because you had the cutest tan lines. After boating was done we came home, ate, and I showed you some tips on playing basketball. Then came the best part of the night. We went for a drive in the charger, you drove so fast and I took you on a tour through Mosinee. The next day I had to work so afterwards I drove to your grandparents house and ate ribs with you. We then went to the Tiki bar fireworks with my friends and sat on Ben's boat. I was so awkward you could tell I had never been in a relationship before :p Remembver how someone lit a firecracker inside the boat? After that we went to my school, climbed the roof, and almost got caught. It was so exciting. After this I took you to river park and we walked the trail. Finally it was time for our movie. OMG I remeber it all too well. I was gonna sit one seat away from you (I was a nervous wreck). We talked through the entire movie (The Purge) and soon I took you home and we talked until my dad called me home.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

20 déc. 2017


2 juill. 2016
~ Il y a 7 ans et 10 mois