April 1, 2024

1 janv. 1465 - Songhai Empire Becomes Largest African State


During this time, the Mail Empire ruled much of West Africa. It's influence spread to various surrounding kingdoms, one of which was the city of Gao, populated by the Songhai people.

During the 1400s the Mali Empire had grown somewhat weak and began to disintegrate, so the Songhai took this opportunity to regain some of their lost territory and over time amassed great amounts of wealth and power.

Eventually they captured so much Mali territory that they became one of the largest states in African history, transforming from a small country into the Songhai Empire in 1464. Although the Mali continued to exist as a small nation, the Songhai now dominated the trade and wealth of West Africa under the rule of the Sonni dynasty.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 1465
~ Il y a 559 ans

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