April 1, 2024

1 janv. 1279 - Height of the Mongol Conquests


By the end of the 13th Century, Mongol rule covered an area of 9.1 million square miles - the largest contiguous empire in history. Their rule boosted the economy throughout the Eurasian continent as peaceful trade was allowed right from one end to the other. This also meant that knowledge of the world expanded for humanity as a whole when explorers and philosophers, such as Marco Polo, were allowed to freely travel throughout the Empire; technology and skills were also shared as many individuals from different lands were moved by the Mongols if they had specific skills the Mongols didn’t, causing a cross-pollination of nationality and culture. The Mongol Khans also did not push their religion on others and thus a wide variety of faiths were allowed to continue to exist with some Mongolian people even converting to Buddhism and Christianity.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 1279
~ Il y a 745 ans

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