June 15, 2024

27 mai 10 av. J.-C. - Qrow & Raven are freed from a slave caravan by the Barnwen Tribe


ch, i will not scatter. ch 11, looking glass

Raven kills her rapist becoming her first kill. The Morgan adopts Raven & Qrow.

Ciarca release Qrow from an iron cage, who was fettered, gaged, couldn't speak due raw walts around his jaw and couldn't walk easily from how the shackles were worn. Raven broke out of her cage when a Barnwen tried to release her. she stumble across the man who had been assaulting her and killed him. Nwyfre manage to scoop her up and brought her and Qrow back to the Barnwen camp.

Raven bite or claw anyone who tried to touch her. While Qrow became attach to Ciara and tried to help around the camp. They would make nests to hide in around the camp, in any tent. Usually in a weird spot, such as a cupboard or under a bed.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

2 mai 2022


27 mai 10 av. J.-C.
~ Il y a 2036 ans