April 1, 2024

21 h 17 oct. 2004 ans - Douglas visits the group at night. (Issue 71)


- Day 456
- Carl can't sleep because it feels too weird. He tells Rick that he doesn't think the other kids will like him because he's too different. Rick tells him that he'll get used to it and everything will be better in time. Suddenly the door knocks and Rick jumps up to see who it is. He tells Michonne and Glenn to stay put while he checks it out.
- Douglas is at the door and tells Rick that they're celebrating Halloween tomorrow with candy at all the houses etc. He wanted to let them know in advance so they could prepare costumes, though Carl could go as a cowboy. Douglas notes that they're all in the same house and that it's smart in case they turn out to be dangerous. He wishes Rick a good night and leaves.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


21 h 17 oct. 2004 ans
~ Il y a 19 ans

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