April 1, 2024

1 janv. 625 av. J.-C. - Josiah repairs the Temple


In the 18th year of his reign King Josiah ordered the Temple to be repaired. In doing so they found a lost book of scripture (thought to be Deuteronomy) from which the entire religious observance in Judea was reformed and the people brought back to the true worship of Christ and the Law of Moses.

Josiah was about 26 years old at this time, and thus Lehi and Ishmael were also in their mid 20's. When Josiah instituted this reform I believe that Lehi and Ishmael embraced it and were truly converted at this time.

However, Laman would likely have been the only son of Lehi born at the time, and would have been an infant. Thus none of Lehi's sons would have remembered this great time, nor would they have been converted.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 625 av. J.-C.
~ Il y a 2651 ans