July 1, 2024

10 h 20 min, 6 nov 2018 ans - Election Day!


The Arizona polls closed at 9pm eastern standard time where the coverage started to parse the daily votes to see who would win the Arizona senate race. As the votes came in, we saw the pre-election polls were extremely accurate with an even split of the votes, bringing in to question how the polls were able to have an accurate read on this very tight race. The lead would switch back and forth through the initial count with neither candidate ever holding it by more than a percent. At the end of the night, we see McSally having a razor-thin lead and all eyes turning to the mail-in ballot. Early voting in Arizona carries a large percent of the overall voting base, allowing more than 60% of the votes still left to be counted( 1.7 million of the 2.3 million votes). The green party candidate who dropped out before the election and put her endorsement behind Sinema may become the spoiler of the ballot for the Democrats, by having over 3% of the votes currently, more significant than the lead ever held by either of the republican or democratic candidates. As more of the mail-in ballots were counted the edge flipped to Sinema on Thursday and has widened the margin by the small amount of 27,000 votes with more still to be counted.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

16 déc. 2018


10 h 20 min, 6 nov 2018 ans
~ Il y a 5 ans et 7 mois