July 1, 2024

2 nov 1848 - civil disobedience


written by hanry david throeau from jail. he went to jail for not paying taxes, he believed that the government was funding the slave trade through the mexican war which he dissapproved
Protesting the Mexican War (767)
“How does it become a man... is the invading army” (769-770)
“But, to speak practically... at any time what I think right” (768)
Problem with current government is too reliant on majority and does not give power to minority
“All voting is a sort...masses of men” (771)
Voting is like a game... gambling with fate and cannot predict the outcome
Voting is not enough to make a change be proactive!
“Unjust laws exist... which I condemn” (772-773) Have 3 options when find unjust law
Obey laws
Obey while trying to change until law is changed
Break Law
“I know this well... aye if one honest man in this state of Massachusetts... it would be the abolition of slavery... done forever” (774)
One honest man can make a change that inspires others to fix unjust law
HDT chooses to break the law (not pay poll taxes b/c did not want to support Mexican War)
Next Steps for perfecting American Democracy
Empower the individual and minorities
Limit majorities power
Government only has power that the people give it
Government needs to represents all people

Ajouté au bande de temps:

14 déc. 2018


2 nov 1848
~ Il y a 175 ans