April 1, 2024

18 avr. 1993 - 1993 UC Irvine Hunger Strike for Asian American Studies program


This strike consisted of a group of students who camped out and held a peaceful vigil demanding that the university allocate teaching positions to establish an Asian American Studies program. Despite occurring well past the peak of the Asian American movement in the 1970s, this successful strike demonstrated how the Asian American movement had still not ended and continued to thrive within different regions of the United States. It also demonstrated how in meeting their goals of establishing Asian American Studies programs in higher education, the Asian American movement’s legacy lives on as a part of the higher education curriculum where it can raises awareness and educates students on Asian American history. The establishment of the Asian American studies program at UCI, in addition to the Southeast Asian Archive, also documents Asian American history and achieves that representational belonging that the Asian American lacked for so long.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

13 déc. 2018


18 avr. 1993
~ Il y a 31 ans