July 1, 2024

12 mai 1870 - Manitoba Act


The provisional government wanted Manitoba to become a province as they are self-governing while territories had governments that were appointed by the Candian government in Ottawa. After much pestering and months of conflict, the Canadian government passed the Manitoba act on May 12th, 1870. The act was proposed by Prime Minister Sir John A. MacDonald to appease the French Canadians, the Metis, English Protestants and the rest of Canada.

The Manitoba Act established Manitoba as a province, the rest of the North-West Territories and Rupert's Land remained the same. The act also accepted most of the Metis terms from the bill of rights. Manitoba became a province where Metis religion and language rights were guaranteed. Over 5 000 square kilometers of land was set aside for the Metis. However, Metis inhabitants had to apply for properties and register for the legal ownership of the land. These request made me the Metis for land claims were often delayed while the new settlers received title to their land soon after they applied for it. By the time the Metis' request was reviewed, much of the land had already been given away. By the 1880s almost all of the Metis had decided to give up their land claims and more out of the province, much-headed west to present-day Saskatchewan.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

7 févr. 2018


12 mai 1870
~ Il y a 154 ans

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