April 1, 2024

7 h 28 août 2004 ans - The group packs up and moves out. (Issue 55)


- Day 406
- Glenn greets Rick in the morning and thanks him for taking over his night shift, he slept great despite not being much of a camper. Carl likes camping. He tells Rick that he swears he saw him on the phone to someone last night in his dazed state which they laugh about. Carl gives Rick a suspicious look.
- The group starts packing up their tents. Rick decides to keep his tent in the back of their car which Abraham isn't too happy about. Rick tells him he isn't leaving but even if he was he has the right to keep one of the tents.
- Carl tells Rick that he doesn't like Abraham because he's weird.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


7 h 28 août 2004 ans
~ Il y a 19 ans

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