April 1, 2024

6 h 21 juin 2004 ans - Glenn and Maggie find Rick, Carl and Michonne. (Issue 52) (Issue 53)


- Day 338
- Rick and Michonne eat breakfast while Carl sleeps. Michonne asks Rick how the prison battle went down because she needs to know. He explains how after they killed Tyreese, the Governor drove the tank over the fences- and then he stops himself, not being able to go on. Michonne understand how hard it is, Rick tells her it was all his fault because he made the call.
- They hear the sound of horses come towards them. They turn around and are delighted to see Glenn and Maggie. The two groups reunite and Glenn asks if everyone's alright. Maggie asks about Hershel and Billy, Rick gives her no answer. She begins to cry and Glenn invites them all back to Hershel's farm where they've been staying.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


6 h 21 juin 2004 ans
~ Il y a 19 ans

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