April 1, 2024

1 janv. 1961 - MRSA Discovered


MRSA was discovered in 1961 by British scientists. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus better known as MRSA is cause by staph bacteria. Symptoms include being warm to the touch, puss filled, and a fever. The bacteria is harmless until it enter this body through any type of wound like a cut or a pimple. MRSA is very antibiotic resistant. There are two strains of MRSA. Things that put someone at risk for MRSA are playing contact sports, living in crowded or unsanitary conditions, male homosexual sex (men having sex with men), and using intravenous drugs. To prevent MRSA wash hands frequently, keep wounds covered, keep personal items personal, shower after athletic games or practices, sanitize linens, and don't inject illicit drugs. Most antibiotics are resistant to MRSA but there are still some that work. A culture will identify what drugs will fight the bacteria off.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 1961
~ Il y a 63 ans

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