April 1, 2024

12 h 30 min, 14 juin 2004 ans - The seven surviving Woodbury soldiers spend the night in the prison. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 331
- The seven surviving Woodbury soldiers: Lilly, Caul, Austin Ballard, Matthew Hennesey, Speed Wilkins, Ben Buchholz, Hap Abernathy and Gloria Pyne barricade themselves inside a room in the prison. They all start panicking, and stressing about how they're going to escape. Austin bellows at Hap to shut up in an odd, out of character shout. Lilly tells them that they should all wait out the swarm, at least until they find an opening, and in the morning they'll reassess the situation.
- Nobody likes the plan but they know its for the best. Nobody questions the elephant in the room which is that Lilly just assassinated their former leader moments earlier. They all start to look towards Lilly as their new leader.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


12 h 30 min, 14 juin 2004 ans
~ Il y a 19 ans

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