April 1, 2024

16 h 13 juin 2004 ans - Dale convinces Andrea that they should leave the prison. (Issue 45)


- Day 330
- Dale tells Andrea that Rick is doing alright. He reminds her of when they talked about leaving in the RV a while back (see day 245). He believes the time is now and they should escape with their lives and leave the prison for Woodbury. Andrea is against leaving their friends behind but Dale insists its only if they refuse to come with them. She thinks about it.
- Tyreese panics about Rick. Michonne tells him that they're missing their opportunity to attack Woodbury. He tells her that he knows its a good idea but they just don't have the man power to pull it off. Michonne tells him it can be just the two of them and he thinks about it for a moment.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


16 h 13 juin 2004 ans
~ Il y a 19 ans

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