April 1, 2024

1 sept. 1785 - 2nd Letter to Chastellux (Paris)


- Climate and American Character
In the north they are In the south they are
 cool  fiery
 sober  voluptuary
 laborious  indolent
 persevering  unsteady
 independant  independant
 jealous of their own liberties,and just to those of others  zealous for their own liberties, but trampling on those of others.
 interested  generous
 chicaning  candid
 superstitious and hypocritical in their religion  without attachment or pretensions to any religon but that of the heart.
- “These characteristics grow weaker and weaker by gradation from North to South and South to North, insomuch that an observing traveller, without the aid of the quadrant may always know his latitude by the character of the people among whom he finds himself. it is in Pennsylvania that the two characters seem to meet and blend, and form a people free from the extremes both of vice and virtue.” (827)

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 sept. 1785
~ Il y a 238 ans