April 1, 2024

10 h 14 mai 2004 ans - Rick and Carl build Judith's crib, Dale wakes up. (Issue 40)


- Day 300
- The group unpacks the truck of supplies, Billy guilt trips over Dale.
- Rick and Carl put together a crib for Judith, without the instructions. Carl tells Rick that Carol cries a lot at night.
- Dale wakes up in the infirmary. Alice leaves him and Andrea alone. Andrea flips out on Dale and tells him how old and weak he is to be doing stupid hero missions like that. She cries next to him whilst he holds her.
- Rick takes Carl to see Judith for the first time. Lori breast feeds her new baby and Carl coos over his little sister. He feels happy that she'll grow up not being scared, because she will never know what everything used to be like. Rick and Lori don't feel the same way.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


10 h 14 mai 2004 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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