April 1, 2024

4 h 30 min, 13 mai 2004 ans - They get closer to Woodbury. (Issue 38)


- Day 299
- Andrea wakes up in the RV with Tyreese's feet in her face. She takes over Axel's watch. Tyreese comes out twenty minutes later and apologises for the feet. Andrea tells him that they're definitely finding this place today. Tyreese spots a roamer that Andrea didn't want to waste a bullet on. He asks if he can practise shooting and Andrea lets him borrow the rifle. He misses and Andrea finishes the roamer off.
- The shot wakes up Axel and Michonne and they decide to leave.
- At some point later, Lori and Rick visit Alice to check up on the baby. She tells them that the baby is going to arrive 'soon'. Maybe within the next week or two at most.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


4 h 30 min, 13 mai 2004 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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