April 1, 2024

14 h 30 min, 16 avr. 2004 ans - Rick cripples and murders Martinez. (Issue 36)


- Day 272
- Rick finds Martinez running back the way they came. He runs him over and cripples him in the field.
- He begins to choke Martinez whilst he pleads to Rick and tries to convince him that he wanted to bring back other families because the prison is so much safer. Rick murders him and leaves his body to turn.
- Meanwhile Lori waits for Rick. Hershel asks her if she is worried but she tells him she's not and just expects him to come back every time.
- Carl and Sophia play tag. Sophia asks if Rick's hand will grow back like a lizard's tail but Carl tells her it won't because animals can do things humans can't, like fly. Sophia tells him not to be mean.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


14 h 30 min, 16 avr. 2004 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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