April 1, 2024

14 h 16 avr. 2004 ans - Glenn finds a ring for Maggie, Rick chases after Martinez who is now missing. (Issue 35) (Issue 36)


- Day 272
- Andrea finds Michonne talking to herself as if addressing somebody else about what they did to the Governor.
- Glenn checks a female roamer's body. He finds an engagement ring on her hand and keeps it.
- Carl is worried about any lurkers that might be hiding but Rick is confident they've killed them all. Tyreese takes a break and Rick asks about Martinez so he can introduce him to Carl. Tyreese hasn't seen him in hours and neither has Rick. Rick comes to the sudden conclusion that Martinez has escaped so he can tell Woodbury where the prison is. Without a second thought, he jumps into Dale's RV and chases after him alone.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


14 h 16 avr. 2004 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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