April 1, 2024

12 h 16 avr. 2004 ans - They continue to clean up the prison. (Issue 35)


- Day 272
- Tyreese and Axel continue to burn bodies.
- Glenn and Maggie are about to have sex. Glenn smells burning flesh and Maggie tells him that they're just burning the bodies. He gets dressed and rushes out. Glenn asks Tyreese and Axel not to burn any women so he can look them over. Axel doesn't question it.
- Alice checks on Lori's baby. She informs them that all is well, however because Carl was born a cesarean, this baby might be too which is out of her range of abilities. Women have been giving birth naturally for thousands of years so she has nothing to worry about. Alice decides to clean up the infirmary so she can begin using it.
- Andrea finds Michonne talking to herself as if addressing somebody else about what they did to the Governor.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


12 h 16 avr. 2004 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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