April 1, 2024

1 sept. 1939 - Social Impact of Hitler's Rule


 ministry of public enlightenment and propaganda with Joseph Goebbels as its head
 media was used to convince Germans that Hitler was ‘saviour’ of Germany and only by supporting Hitler would Germany become strong and powerful
 posters and portraits of Hitler were spread so as to brainwash the Germans into believing in Hitler
 unite the Germans against the Jews and minority races
 propaganda created a common enemy for the Germans to hate
 Nuremberg rallies – public display of German power
 Hugenberg, Nazi supporter owned UFA, largest film company, carried pro-Nazi message

As a result, Germans brainwashed → admired Hitler → loyal to him → obeyed his policies willingly → controlled by Hitler

 Reich Chamber of Commerce which was in charge of censoring and controlling what could be published or shown to the German public
 Goebbels also organised a book-burning event to destroy any books that were against Nazi teachings
 Newspapers and radio stations were controlled strictly and only positive things about the Nazi party could be broadcasted

As a result, Germans brainwashed → develop a positive image of Hitler → admire/support Hitler → obey his policies willingly → controlled by Hitler

3.Persecution of the Jews and other minorities
 blamed for Germany’s problems since the Weimar Republic was made up of quite a number of Jews - hyperinflation Great Depression
 portrayed them as sly and cowardly people who were trying to destroy Germany
 Hitler encouraged the SA and SS to bully and mistreat the Jews. The SA would stand outside Jewish shops and prevent people from going in
 In 1935 the Nuremburg Laws were passed which prevented Jews from marrying non-Jews and they were to be separated from society. Their businesses and property were confiscated or destroyed
 Night of the Broken Glass in 1938 which started after a Nazi diplomat was shot dead by a Jewish boy in France. Hitler used this as an excuse to punish the Jews by destroying their property and homes then arresting 20,000 Jews and sending them to concentration camps.
 Holocaust during World War 2 where all the Jews in German territories were captured and put into concentration camps where they were exterminated in gas chambers or shot to death – 6 million

 Gypsies were seen to be a different type of race – 1933 Law Against Dangerous Habitual Criminals
 Homosexuals were hated because they could not fulfil the Nazi duty of having children –Reich Control Office for the combating of Homosexuality and Abortion
 Handicapped and disabled were looked down upon because they were not like the perfect Aryan Germans – Law for Prevention of Progeny with Heredity Diseases – sterilised against their will

As a results, segments of German citizens unfairly treated → suffer great hardship → hatred for the Nazi Party

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2 nov. 2017
Elective History
Combined Humanities 2267
unfinished; only did Chpt 1-3++


1 sept. 1939
~ Il y a 84 ans
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