April 1, 2024

2 févr. 1848 - Effects of the Mexican-American War


After the Mexican-American War was finally finished, and even before it was over, there were many disputes over the western lands gained from it. Some northerners saw Polk's decision to provoke a war with Mexico as a ploy to add more slave states to the union. This helped along the idea that pro-slavery democrats and southern slave owners were trying to get a majority in the federal government to make slavery universal. Because they were trying to gain more southern Mexican land, it provoked many northerners to join the Free-Soil Party, which opposed the expansion of slavery into new United States lands. The fight over the issue of slavery in new lands became a stronger political division in addition to its presence in regular life. The inability for people to agree upon what to do with newly gained land made the issue of slavery much stronger, and it helped divide the country even more and quicken the war that would settle it.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


2 févr. 1848
~ Il y a 176 ans