April 1, 2024

29 mars 1873 - Act to Provide for the Establishment of an Hospital for the Reclamation and Cure of Habitual Drunkards


«Preamble: Whereas the prevalence, and, in many communities of
V this Province, the increase of drunkenness is directly causing the ruin of many persons addicted to the vice, and of
their families, as well as inflicting grievous injury upon their relations and society at large; And whereas it is clearly shown that drunkenness, directly and indirectly, is the cause of much of the disease, insanity and idiotcy, as well as of the crime and pauperism in the Province, and which evils it is most desirable to remedy or ameliorate; And whereas experience has shown that the plan of treating drunkenness as a disease in Hospitals especially established for that purpose has produced very beneficial results» (p. 112).
«Section 1: to be erected thereon proper and suitable buildings with all the necessary appurtenances for an Hospital for the treatment of habitual drunkards»
«Section 2: Such Hospital shall be called and known as the “Ontario Hospital for Inebriates».
«Section 5: «The Inspector appointed or to be appointed under the first clause of "The Prison and Asylum Inspection Act, 1868," shall, by virtue of his office, be the Inspector of the Hospital to be erected under the authority of this Act»
«Section 9: The Superintendent of such Hospital shall make a port every three months, or oftener if required, to the Inspector of the movements of such Hospital» (p. 113).
«Section 11: The Superintendent shall reside within such Hospital»
«Section 12: Such Hospital shall be for the reception and treatment of males only»
«Section 13: Admission to the said Hospital shall be awarded to bona fide residents of the Province upon the voluntary application in writing of the person so desiring to be admitted; provided it is certified to the satisfaction of the Superintendent that the person so applying is an inebriate, and further, that he is a reasonably hopeful subject for treatment with a view to the cure of his inebriety» (p. 114). – very loose criteria and procedures for admission.
«Section 14: Such inebriate may be detained in the Hospital for a period of one year and no longer»

Ajouté au bande de temps:


29 mars 1873
~ Il y a 151 ans