June 15, 2024

22 juin 1864 - The Great Coalition Government of 1864


This coalition took place between June 14 and June 30, 1864 and was officially ended on June 22, 1864 under George-Étienne Cartier and John A. Macdonald.1 The growth of the railway, the US expanding as quickly as they did and the needs of the West are all very large things happening within the territory so forming an official government like they did in 1864 was the best option to keep sovereignty over the currently possessed pieces of land and titles. Ontario and Québec or Canada West and Canada East agreed to equally split representation in government. Québec was and remains the only French province and being the only one, they expected the church to protect their culture, religion, language, and institutions. These discussions and laws needed to be well written and constructed so mistakes are not made and people are treated fairly. On this day the founding fathers of this great nations government, bold British and French tackle two tasks.The first was that they agreed to rule as a unanimous party and the second was a preliminary lead up to the Charlottetown conference that happens in a couple of months from then.
1. https://books-scholarsportal-info.cyber.usask.ca/en/read?id=/ebooks/ebooks0/gibson_crkn/2009-12-01/3/404524#page=9

Ajouté au bande de temps:


22 juin 1864
~ Il y a 160 ans