April 1, 2024

18 h 30 min, 13 mai 2004 ans - Judith Grimes is born, Dale gets bitten and loses his leg. (Issue 39) (Issue 40)


- Day 299
- They kill a few roamers on the way to the car park and Dale is jumped by a lurker which Billy struggles to kill without hitting Dale. They move to the next car and Dale is bitten on the ankle by another lurker. Billy panics and runs away towards the gate just as Andrea's group returns in the RV with all the gas and supplies. Dale crawls back to the gate and they help him inside.
- Meanwhile Lori successfully delivers a baby girl. Andrea and the others burst into the infirmary with Dale, expecting Alice to cut his foot off. She isn't prepared and panics so Rick grabs the bone saw and manages to amputate Dale's foot. Lori names their baby 'Judith'.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


18 h 30 min, 13 mai 2004 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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