April 1, 2024

5 avr. 1765 - The Sugar Act


The Sugar Act, also known as the American Revenue Act, was a revenue raising act passed by the British Parliament of Great Britain in April of 1764. The Molasses act of 1733, which had a tax of six pence per gallon of Molasses, had never been effectively collected due to colonial invasion. The sugar act better enforced the original law to put a stop to smuggling. The Sugar Act lowered the tax on Sugar related items but enforcement helped increase revenue . Smugglers who were caught were sent away for trial. Non American jurors were harsher; judges were given a percentage for guilty verdicts. Colonists openly protested against the Sugar Act. They wrote letters directly to the British Parliament against the act. "No taxation without Representation" was first used during the protests. Colonists also boycotted items that wrre being taxed.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


5 avr. 1765
~ Il y a 259 ans

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