April 1, 2024

14 juin 1968 - Kambili's Family's Connection


Purple Hibiscus is set in the late 1960s, during the Nigerian Civil War. Colonial Nigeria was founded in 1914 and was under British control. It wasn’t until 1960 that Nigeria gained independence. The family's experiences is set during the Nigerian Civil War, which ignited as Nigeria failed to reunite with Biafra (created by the Igbo), which is composed of states of Nigeria. Kambili’s family experiences are important as during this time, tensions are high as the Nigerian Civil War is known as a bloody conflict that lasted three years. More than one million people died and this struggle occurred almost immediately after Nigeria gained independence, which can cause stress of many civilians. Even in the post-colonial era, we can see Kambili’s family still talking English when talking with important people and in their own language when in private. We can predict that further into the novel, we will see the family’s reaction to the War and see symbolism through the characters.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


14 juin 1968
~ Il y a 55 ans