April 1, 2024

7 h 15 nov 2003 ans - They become accustomed to the gas station. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 119
- They have a meeting in the morning about what to do and possibly stealing supplies from Tent City if necessary.
- Megan and Scott spend 'quality time together' for hours on end.
- At night Bob gets so drunk he can't move, Lilly has to put him to bed like a child.
- The next three days, they settle down in the gas station and reinforce some of the doors and windows.
- Josh and Scott go out regularly to steal supplies from Tent City and notice more arguments, fist fights and heavy drinking.
- Josh makes cigars from tobacco leaves he takes from neighbouring fields, Lilly starts a diary, Bob finds a treasure trove of fishing equipment and starts preparing them for future use.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


7 h 15 nov 2003 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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