April 1, 2024

1 mars 1620 - Pilgrims


102 people sail from England to Massachusetts. The Pilgrims came to Massachusetts to escape from their corrupt religions in search of religious freedom and to gain more economic opportunities. “Thirty-five of the Pilgrims were members of the radical English Separatist Church, who traveled to America to escape the jurisdiction of the Church of England… many were dissatisfied with economic opportunities in the Netherlands, and under the direction of William Bradford they decided to immigrate” Once they landed in Massachusetts they had to prepare for the worst winter they will ever experience. “Just after Christmas, the pilgrims began work on dwellings that would shelter them through their difficult first winter in America. In the first year of settlement, half the colonists died of disease.” This affects immigration in the United States because now even more people are successful in moving to the New World which will cause more people to come.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

22 oct. 2018


1 mars 1620
~ Il y a 404 ans