June 15, 2024

1 janv. 1887982 av. J.-C. - Homo Erectus "Upright Man"


Homo Erectus, also known as "Upright Man", was the first hominid to have the ability to stand upright. Although Homo Habilis was the first to make tools, Homo Erectus was the first to create multipurpose tools, or more "modern" tools. Homo Habilis had been the first to use fire, when they found it, Homo Erectus took the evolutionary step forward and began creating fire. This may seem simple, but this task called for a physically larger brain-size. Their remains have been found in Northern, Eastern, and Southern Africa; Western Asia, and East Asia. This species lived for around 2 million years. Homo Habilis coexisted with Homo Erectus for around half a million years, and at the end of its time range, they coexisted with Homo Sapiens as well.

Primary Source Inference
One primary source that is increasingly alluring is the skull of an elderly Homo Erectus. This hominid appears to have lost all of its teeth long before its death. This prompts possible aid and feeding of the Homo Erectus by other members of its group. This indicates that these hominids may have had deeper emotional connections and ties to a specific group, or culture. This is altogether completely different from Australopithecus and Homo Habilis, based on past inferences of their species.(Watch from time point 1:08 to 1:10) During the video, I noticed that Turkana Boy's teeth are noticeably larger than that of the human skull. This entails that Turkana Boy and his kind had to have much larger, stronger teeth, in order to chew their food. This leads me to believe that fire was not easily accessible to them, at least not on a regular basis

-Becoming Human

-Homo Erectus skull image-http://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species/homo-erectus

-Early Humans website-https://sites.google.com/arlington.k12.ma.us/ehresearch/australopithecus-afarensis

-Homo Erectus Map picture-https://www.google.com/search?q=homo+erectus+map+of+lived&safe=active&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZwrGCrpveAhXM44MKHaIFCSgQ_AUIDigB&biw=1419&bih=996#imgrc=KtzysWXrkwAvhM:

-Smithsonian Institution- http://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species/homo-erectus

-Homo Erectus video-

Ajouté au bande de temps:

26 oct. 2018


1 janv. 1887982 av. J.-C.
~ Il y a 1891262 ans

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