April 1, 2024

17 janv. 1517 - Martin Luther writes 95 Theses


Martin Luther (1483-1546) was a German university professor and monk who was troubled by the selling of indulgences by Pope Leo X to pay for building plans in Rome. Moreover, Luther was troubled by the widely circulated beliefs that people would stop repenting since they could buy their way into heaven without living in a pious manner. Luther believed that the scripture alone could dictate faith, not humans or a office in the Church. In 1517, the 95 Theses on the Power of Indulgences were sent to Archbishop Albert (and rumored to have been nailed on the door of the church of the Wittenberg Castle), arguing indulgences undermined sacrament of penance and downplayed importance of charity in Christian Life. While Luther’s objective was reforming the catholic church, not complete fragmentation, his work allowed the rise of the Protestant Church, which paved the way for religious conflict throughout Europe such as the Thirty Years War and eventually new modes of geopolitical governing.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

17 févr. 2019


17 janv. 1517
~ Il y a 507 ans

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