June 15, 2024

1 juill. 2007 - Internet and Google Earth


In college, Saroo had a room with a computer, thus with pretty much 24 hour access to the internet. He tries various spellings of "Berampur" and "Ginestlay", neither with much success. He often replayed memories over and over in his head, with vivid recollections of landmarks; the Berampur station platform position, the large pedestrian overpass on one end, and the high water tower.
Maps weren't much help at all, they were never as detailed to zoom in on small and overlooked towns, much less provide any aerial or ground view images for every specific town.
One day, though, Saroo finds Google Earth. Even back then, there was still lots of data collected to be put into it, and with the "God's eye" view, Saroo instantly utilizes its power.
He puts Amreens fathers information to the test, but he does not find any landmarks to be recognized. Willing himself not to try and bend his memories to fit the landscapes he looks at, Saroo is now searching for "a pin in a haystack". So he tries to break it down into manageable chunks.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 juill. 2007
~ Il y a 16 ans

Les images: