June 15, 2024

15 juill. 1828 - 1) County Lunatic Asylums (England) Act 2) Madhouses Act


1) 9 Geo. IV, c. 40

2) 9 Geo. IV, c. 41

«Once again, legislation strengthened the hand of magistrates against local Overseers by making the censuses of insane persons
in the county parishes
obligatory under the 1828 County Asylums Act. Once Overseers had returned lists to the county magistrates, the magistrates could demand a medical examination of an insane person, though it is clear that this process was still intended for dangerous cases. Any person, whether summoned by the justice of the peace, sent by the Overseers of the parish, or
apprehended as a vagrant, needed a medical certificate before being admitted to the county asylum. Certificates were to be kept by the medical superintendent, with duplicates being sent to the Committee of Visitors. The Madhouses Act of the same year outlined the form for non-pauper insane persons accepted into private licensed homes. The Act required medical certificates signed by two medical men, which included the date of certification, the person by whose authority the insane person was sent (and his place of abode, and degree of relationship to the insane person), the place of residence of the insane person, his/her former occupation, and ’time spent previously in
asylum’. A copy of one certificate for an admission to the private madhouse at Witney in 1832 is reprinted in Parry-Jones’s Trade in Lunacy.30 This Act also introduced the first statutory safeguard against collusion by stipulating that neither one of the two signing medical practitioners could have an
interest in the asylum to which the private insane person would be sent» (Wright, 1998, p. 274).

Ajouté au bande de temps:


15 juill. 1828
~ Il y a 196 ans