April 1, 2024

11 nov 1936 - The Peel Commission


The Peel Commission was a deal that aimed to restore peace between the Arabs and Israelis. This was a two-state solution which was heavily in favour of the Arabs. With this commission, came the deal that the Arabs would be left with 70% of the land whilst the Israelis were left with 20% with the remaining 10% being occupied by the British in case measures needed to be taken. Despite the heavy favour for the Arabs, the Israelis voted to accept this offer whilst the Arabs voted to reject it. The commission failed to be implemented with rising tensions of war in Europe. Implementing the commission will likely lead to an Arab outrage which would create a negative effect on the British army in Europe as the government would have to split over fighting in Palestine as well as across Europe.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

20 nov. 2018


11 nov 1936
~ Il y a 87 ans