June 15, 2024

21 juill. 1861 - First Battle of Bull Run / Manassas


The First Battle of Bull Run, or First Manassas as it was called by the Confederates, was the first major battle of the Civil War. It took place just north of the city of Manassas, Virginia, at a "tributary of the Potomac River named Bull Run" (Grant, 2018).
It is considered a victory for the Confederates, who, although outnumbered by Union soldiers, were better prepared. Around 4500 men on both sides were killed, wounded, or captured.

In April of 1861, President Lincoln was growing impatient, as the battles in West-Virginia were succesful, but "resolved little" (Ward, Burns & Burns, 1990, p. 52). He knew that 35000 Confederate troups under General Beauregard's command were making advances in northern direction in Virginia. Lincoln had a dispute over attacking with General Irvin McDowell, the then-Union field commander. General McDowell felt the army was not ready for attack yet, but President Lincoln, feeling the heat of the Confederates advancements, disagreed. And so, on July 18 of 1861, (undertrained) 37000 Union troups "marched south into Virginia" (Ward, Burns & Burns, 1990, p. 53).

Beauregard had been informed of the Union Army's whereabouts, and had ordered his "mean to form a meandering eight-mile line along one side of Bull Run Creek near a railroad station called Manassas Junction" (Ward, burns & Burns, 1990, p. 55). General McDowell made a good start for the Union by capturing the element of surprise when he ordered his troops to go around the Confederate line, to the left, so they were able to cross the river unobstructed.
Many Confederate troops were killed or fled, but one Confederate commander and his regiment defended their position relentlessly. This was commander Thomas J. Jackson, who earned the name "Stonewall" Jackson by holding this position with his Virginian infantry firm so well (Grant, 2010).

Beauregard was aided shortly thereafter by General Joseph E. Johnston, who arrived with Confederate reinforcements by horseback and train (Grant, 2010). This demoralized the Union troops, who were already exhausted from the long march to the battlefield itself and from the heat to which they were not used, even further.

Beauregard ordered "a massive counterattack" at around four (Ward, Burns & Burns, 1990, p. 57). This proved very succesful, as most Union soldiers fled up north in a panic. Many drowned and civilians who had come to watch got caught up in the act as well.
The Confederates did not pursue. It was a grand victory for the Confederates and a highly unexpected loss for the Union Army, who had believed the fight was going to be an 'easy win'.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


21 juill. 1861
~ Il y a 162 ans

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