April 1, 2024

22 déc. 2017 - Holiday Dinner



To celebrate the festive season, the Observers will be giving our guests a dinner party as a gift. But this is not the typical grab-and-go 6I feast.

In the front room of the Inn, the tables will be set with a place for each character in the game. Each setting will have a place card designating to whom it belongs, and will feature a single (yet hearty) serving of the dish they love most in the whole universe.

But, of course, there's a wee rub. We, your mods, will be assigning the place settings, to be posted prior to the mingle post being made on December 22. Should your character decide they don't care for the company, they will discover their dish cannot be moved from the table. It's always good to make new friends and rekindle old acquaintances, isn't it?

If the real life Oregon weather does not oblige us, there will be a mod-designated moderate snow storm on the day of the party.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


22 déc. 2017
~ Il y a 6 ans et 5 mois

Les images: