April 1, 2024

31 janv. 1801 - Chief Justice John Marshall


Age: 58

Not long after his return from the XYZ Affair in France, John Marshall is elected as Virginia's representative to Congress. On May 12th, 1800, President John Adams nominates Marshall as Secretary of State and on the following day Congress confirms him. On June 6th, Marshall assumes the position and continues until the expiration of Adam's term in March of the following year.

Before his term expires, President Adam nominates John Marshall as Chief Justice to the Supreme Court. On January 27th, 1801, the Senate confirms Marshall as the Chief Justice, four days later they receive Marshall's commission, and on February 4th, Marshall assumes the position. Although , as indicated previously, Marshall does not begin his duties as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court until a month later.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

30 nov. 2018


31 janv. 1801
~ Il y a 223 ans

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