April 1, 2024

1 janv. 6000 av. J.-C. - Grain beer is brewed


Today, a good beer travels a long way before it reaches your table, but there is an even longer journey that leads back to its origins around 8000 years ago, a history as old as it is interesting. Curiously, these paths are crossed because, like in a brewery, over its history, beer had to pass through various stages to become one of the most-consumed beverages in the world. To best understand these two histories, let's start from the beginning – the grain – and pass through each of the stages of its development until it reaches the place where we appreciate it, the glass.
Mesopotamia: The grains: the origin of it all. Just as in History, this ingredient is what allows for the emergence of beer.
Yes, beer, by all indications, was not created but rather discovered, thanks to a spontaneous fermentation of grains (or bread dough) that had been soaked by rainwater and come into contact with yeasts present in the environment, producing alcohol.
SumerMalt 6000 B.C.: the basis for the creation.The first item to be produced and the basis for the rest of the process. The first rudimentary beer was made, and since then, it has been appreciated around the world.
The earliest records of beer brewing occur here. It can be said then that the Sumerians were the basis for the learning process and for future production and improvements of the beverage.
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Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 6000 av. J.-C.
~ Il y a 8029 ans

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