April 1, 2024

5 h 1 nov 2003 ans - They arrive at Crawford and discover it overrun by walkers. (Around Every Corner)


- Day 105
- They enter Crawford through a manhole, Vernon points out that the lack of guards patrolling is odd. Christa spots one however and Lee goes up to kill him. The guard turns around and is revealed to be a walker. Lee freaks out and kills it.
- Lee's yell attracts a large group that was lingering right around the corner and the infiltrators quickly rush inside the school.
- They find a classroom to use as their main room and assign each other tasks.
- Kenny and Brie look for gas.
- Christa and Vernon look for medicine.
- Molly and Lee go to find the battery.
- Ben will stay and try to unlock the door to the armoury. If Clementine came too then Lee will let her be incharge of Ben.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


5 h 1 nov 2003 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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