June 15, 2024

1 oct. 1865 - MT stokes the fire


MT plants fake evidence giving the impression that Corbitt is planning to Assassinate Eddy, or have someone Assassinate Eddy.

MT plants fake evidence giving the impression that Eddy plans to phase Walter out off the group. 'after all that he's done.'
Gives the impression that Eddy has just been waiting for Walter to die, and Walters name will never be mentioned among the group thereafter. After all that he's done!!!!

At this point Walter Corbitt is 69 and Eddy is 47
It has been 19 Years since 'The Haunter' killed Emmaline.
Corbitt is cripplingly aware of his age
Eddy is aware that he has been searching for any means for nearly 20 years and must be willing to try new approaches, he is getting tired though.

Walter Corbitt looses his shit and informs MT of OE plans. MT proposes a secret ritual, that he has discovered in Bowen's Notes.
An ancient ritual, that used to be performed on Pharaohs and Royalty of Egypt. One that can extend his life indefinitely if he can meet the simple requirements of course.
One that will require a great sacrifice of part of the self in order to transform into a being between time, all a small price to pay for a potential eternity to learn the secrets of the cosmos. [And outlive/power O.B.Eddy]

No. Walter H. Corbitt does not refuse!

He agrees to the strange terms of the ritual and prepares himself in the coming months.

Eddy hires one of his shadier contacts to off Walter Corbitt.

MT foresaw this coming and paid off said contact to lie to Eddy, that the job was done.
"Corbitt is food for the worms in the bay"

No one hears from Corbitt again.
There is a strange funereal held for him.
Eddy tells people that Walter passed of a Heart Attack in his house-
-With the help of Daniel Ellsworth
They had a false body burried in the central burial ground, inside the coffin were but bags of rocks.

MT takes over Corbitt's assets
uses his house for private affairs.
This includes Passagen von N'Kai and all of Walters possessions.

MT assured Walter before the ritual that once it is complete he will be more powerful than ever before and have infinite more time than Eddy.
He tells Walter that they will tell the world that Walter died of a heart attack. He will be able to disappear from the duties of a false society and devote himself entirely to his life's purpose.

MT keeps WC prisoner in his own basement.
MT has Vicne Burnham semi-professionally build a brick wall subdividing the basement (using but a small fraction of Corbitt's funds to pay for it.)

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 oct. 1865
~ Il y a 158 ans