April 1, 2024

17 h 29 juill. 2003 ans - They reach Atlanta, Penny finds a dead police officer. (Rise of the Governor)


- Day 10
- By 5:00 PM they're sweating. They've covered eight miles (a mile an hour)
- They overlook Atlanta from a Baptist church smouldering on a hill.
- Penny spots a police car and starts running towards it screaming "HE'LL SAVE US!" Philip sweeps her up and they look at the police car where an undead cop squirms in his seat.
- Philip starts taunting it with his gun but Brian offers to kill it, much to Philip and Nick's surprise.
- Brian can't bring himself to do it so Philip angrily takes over. The shot attracts all fifty, plus undead members of the baptist church.
- The police car won't start so they push it down the hill and jump in.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


17 h 29 juill. 2003 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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