April 1, 2024

18 h 29 oct. 2003 ans - Lee finds the stolen supplies outside the Motel, bandits attack and they leave in the RV. (Long Road Ahead)


- Day 102
- Lee and Duck look for evidence of the stolen supplies. Lee discovers a bag of food and medicine in a vent outside the walls.
- Lee takes the bag to Lilly and they spot everyone on their knees outside with a large group of the Save-Lots Bandits holding them at gun point.
- Lee goes to calm them down and Lilly shoots the leader in the head. Carley/Doug and Lee take out the others but one gets away (Gary or Drew) and signals the whole camp to come and attack.
- Kenny gets the RV running and Lee helps cover everyone so they can get inside. Katjaa and Duck are attacked by walkers but they escape.
- Lilly reluctantly leaves with everyone.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


18 h 29 oct. 2003 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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