April 1, 2024

10 h 38 min, 31 juill. 1917 ans - Battle of Passchendale


Known as the third battle of Ypres, Passchendaele is known for the scale of casualties and also the mud. The battle took place in July 1917. The battle of Passchendaele was Sir Douglas Haig’s attempt to break through Flanders. Haig’s main aim was a breakthrough to the coast of Belgium so that German submarine pens could be destroyed. Haig had also thought that the German morale was low. On July 18th, 1917, a heavy artillery barrage was launched at the German lines, which lasted ten days. The Germans were fully prepared for for the allied attack. In early August, the area was rained upon the heaviest it’s been for 30 years. The area in Flanders had them became into a swamp. This made the movement of infantry and tanks very slow. Haig put Gough further north and put Plumer in charge of the battle. They had found success which convinced Haig to continue to Passchendaele Ridge. Two battles had been fought between October 9th and October 12th. The third battle of Passchendaele was very costly. The British lost 310,000 men and the Germans 260,000.

Who: Germany, Britain

What: Britain aimed to destroy German submarine pens.

Where: Passchendaele, Belgium, Ypres

When: July 1917 to November 6th, 1927

Ajouté au bande de temps:

18 oct. 2017
Timeline 1911-1920


10 h 38 min, 31 juill. 1917 ans
~ Il y a 106 ans

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