April 1, 2024

9 h 24 déc. 2003 ans - Shane tries to shoot rick in the woods, Carl kills Shane. (Issue 6)


- Day 158
- In the morning Shane asks Rick if he wants to go hunting. Carl asks if he can come but Rick tells him that he and Shane need to talk. Shane punches Rick in the face and is scratched by Lori. Lori calls him a lunatic and Shane runs into the woods in tears.
- Rick goes to calm Shane down but Shane pulls his gun on him. Shane rambles on about how he has nobody left but Lori and Rick coming back ruined any chance he had with her.
- Before Shane can pull the trigger he is shot through the neck by Carl. He chokes on his own blood and collapses into the snow.
- Carl tells Rick that "It's not like the dead ones, daddy". Rick hugs him and says "It never should be, son".

Ajouté au bande de temps:


9 h 24 déc. 2003 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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