April 1, 2024

17 h 19 janv. 2004 ans - Russell catches a ride with Nate. (400 Days: Russell's Story)


- Day 184
- Russell is walking down a road when a truck comes his way. He can either hide or stand his ground. If he hides then Russel will drop to the floor next to the rotten body of Carley/Doug.
- The truck pulls up next to him and the man driving it named Nate offers him a ride because he's bored. Russel can accept or decline he offer but will be forced to take it when walkers approach.
- Russel tells Nate about the group he was previously with. A man named Steve lead the group of seven and wouldn't let anyone else join, instead he would kill them. Russell didn't want to live like that and left, alone, to find his grandparent's house in Statesboro. Nate isn't really interested and only wants to know about the girl Russell mentioned.
- He pulls over and asks Russell what he thinks. A female walker starts banging on the window, Nate believes she must have been hot before she died and asks Russell what he thinks as he winds down the window. Russell panics and they drive away.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


17 h 19 janv. 2004 ans
~ Il y a 20 ans

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