April 1, 2024

21 janv. 1791 - Bank of the US


Proposed by Alexander Hamilton after the Revolutionary War where the country was under a massive debt. The reason for the proposal was that by establishing national bank it would mean the Federal Government would have more control in the situation. The main opponent of this was Thomas Jefferson who argued that the government should follow the Constitution strictly and to not stray from the path. The bank serve as the bank of the federal government which meant it collected fees and made payments in the stead of the United States' government. Under pressure from the states who feared the national bank gave too much power to the national bank, the 20-year charter for the bank was not renewed and thus having it shut down. The first bank can be viewed on the 3rd Street between Walnut and Chestnut in Philadelphia.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

3 août 2018


21 janv. 1791
~ Il y a 233 ans

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